Thursday 21 April 2016

Laundry organisation tutorial to make life easier!

If you are like me , your laundry gets washed, dried and shoved in the cupboard never to be seen until you shove the next lot in on top and push really hard hoping that next time you open the door you don't get hit in the head by a heavy queen size sheet! 
Today I decided to tackle the laundry cupboard. 
This is what it looked like before ( mind you it was only 6 months before that I put all doona covers inside their corresponding pillow slips and hoped for the best, it didn't work ) 

So the first step was to empty the cupboard in its entirety, right on the floor so it looks kind of like this 

I think the poor dogs thought we were moving again!
I went to K-mart and bought some cool white wire baskets and some collapsible storage bag things. 

And $8.50 for these 

I had a few Ikea storage bins I was using for crafty stuff, But I don't think they stock them anymore. 
So the next step was to slowly pick through the rubble and decide to keep or toss, I think I ended up with 6 shopping bags full that are going to the salvos. Then it was just a matter of neatly folding and putting linen into my new boxes. I had some white gift tags so I labelled each bin and pretty laundry ready to make going back to work after 10 years a little easier!

Do it, it's lots of fun and doesn't have to be expensive!

Thanks for reading :)

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