Friday 4 December 2015

Exclusive Look at Art in My Home.

Part of my interior design course includes drawing one point perspectives of spaces. You know, the drawings where everything is in proportion and very 3D like?!
Well it turns out I LOVE doing them. In fact, I love art in general and most of the art in my home is created by myself. I have no idea how good it is but I like it and my husband doesn't protest against it so it's ok for us! 
So let's share, and if you have any art you've created yourself in your home, I'd love to see it!

This is a drawing of an old chair in my lounge, we've had the chair for years but it looks great with a few throw rugs!

This drawing is my dream industrial bedroom created on a break from study because I couldn't get enough!

I created this for my daughter, not my usual style but she adores it!

And this one to match!

Then there's this, I bought this from an etsy shop years ago, it reminds me of my husband when we first met! By the way, if you love the tiles as much as I do, they are handmade, you can buy them here


And finally, these were created by my second son , the first was based on a book he read at school, he seems to have the creative blood, he was seven when he made it and gave it to me for mothers day awwwww.

And this was based entirely on his imagination while he was watching me create some one point perspectives, I love it so much!

Thanks for reading!

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